Our House Rules

February 27, 2009, 11:15 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom

Well the plumbing has gone in … it is now ready for the shower fixtures and the sinks and a toilet installed …

The tub apparently took 4 guys to get it upstairs … so happy I didn’t have to work on that project … but it looks great in place and the step up is really nice for the tub and sink area … the cement board floor is almost finished going in which means tile can start soon …

It is going to be a huge bathroom … it will be so very nice … I think there might even be a little room to put a nice seat so no more sitting on the floor for mommy when kids are taking a bath … what a luxury that will be …

Coming Together
February 27, 2009, 11:07 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

So the kitchen is totally coming together … the fridge has been moved into place and it looks like it was built in there … I love how it came out …

They redid the lights so they fit in the room better … we miss the cool layout they did but they look so great right in the middle of the room and not over any cabinets anymore …

They put the frame around the windows and painted them … they look so great …

And today they started putting in the back splash … I will admit I didn’t want the back splash … I like it with just the white wall but David was really adamant about having it and since it is mostly his kitchen (because why would I cook when there is a chef in the house … duhhhh) so we went with it and I absolutely love it … it looks so great … David picked out the tiles and I love them … so I am so happy he pushed to have it because I do love how it is coming out …

Counter Tops
February 24, 2009, 6:51 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Oh My Goodness … the kitchen is so close to being finished … it looks like a real kitchen now …

Today they installed the counter tops … the sink … the cook top … and wow it looks amazing … better than I had ever imagined … I just stood in there in awe … the reflections from the windows look gorgeous … the cut out came out wonderfully … everything …

The black sink is something else I am totally in love with … I was a bit worried when we picked it out but I LOVE it … I LOVE how it looks … it just is fantastic …

Everything came together so well … tomorrow the painter is coming to do the final coat … they are going to fix up the lights … and put the fridge in place … and tonight we are able to run the dish washer … no more washing dishes in the wash tub in the basement …

I am just all teary looking at it … it is beyond what we ever dreamed of … and David snapped a great photo of Skye kissing my tummy …

All Framed
February 23, 2009, 10:02 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Today they put the window frames on in the kitchen and they look beautiful. You would never know these windows aren’t anywhere close to the size of the windows that had been in here … I mean the long window had been floor to ceiling at one time … and the one above the sink was a totally different size that was bigger than this one …

And these both just look so very beautiful … makes us excited to one day change out every window in the house … because these actually open (our others don’t really) and can be cleaned and as I say over and over – they are just beautiful …

A Step Up
February 23, 2009, 9:33 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

So we encountered some complication yesterday with the kids bathroom … because of the house being a split level and the heating ducts for the bottom floor they could not run the pipes through the floor of the spare room to turn it into a bathroom …

The solution?

Make a step-up in the bathroom for the vanity and tub … that way the pipes could run between the original floor and the new floor … it is just a couple of inches up and I think it will look great …

And my mom and dad had a great idea of putting a border of black tile along the edge of the step up to make it stand out since with black and white tile it could be a bit camouflaged … it is going to look absolutely spectacular …

I did get a giggle out of the laundry room … just the day before it was totally cleaned out and looked almost ready to put the washer in … but then it was a complete mess by the time I got home from work …

I still can’t believe this stuff is happening in our house … I remember when we looked at this house and had all these lofty ideas of what we would do if we bought it … I just thought most of them wouldn’t happen for at least 10 or more years …

The beginning of the step-up is being formed
You can see how the pipes fit nicely now with the step-up

Right now it is at an angle but my dad said when finished it will be straight across

The laundry room that was all empty just a few hours ago

February 19, 2009, 11:20 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

So today they worked on getting more of the laundry room and bathroom done … in anticipation of the plumbers coming next week … they put in the drain and new floor in the laundry room as well as cut the door opening another 3.5 inches to the right and built it up on the left (the washer was going to cover a bit of the door opening making a bi-fold door necessary which we didn’t want to do) and they move the light switch for the laundry room out into the hall … so that room is rockin’ now …

The bathroom they started framing out the wall that will house the pipes for the shower … we are also building out from the wall and at the back of the tub … that way it give extra room in the tub without having to buy a bigger tub … with a couple of feet around it makes it roomier … plus we are putting a curved shower curtain rod on … so that should be rockin’ too …

It is getting there … bit by bit … and since I am really wanting to nest … clean up the house … and really make it a better place they couldn’t be finished soon enough 🙂

Hugging The Oven
February 17, 2009, 9:08 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Today all the cabinets were put in the kitchen … and I just stood there in awe looking at them … I couldn’t believe it … they are so gorgeous … it was weird … suddenly our house felt like a home … and it isn’t because of the nice kitchen and that it wasn’t a home with our crappy one … it was all sorts of people coming together to make this happen … my parents and all the advice from my brother … and Norbert and Aric … and mine and David’s ideas merging to create this beautiful room that will very easily become the heart of our home …

After they got the oven in David hugged it … then asked if he could have a moment alone in the kitchen …

We’ve already started talking about where everything will go … and he talks about how often he is going to cook and how happy he will be to cook for his family in this kitchen … it was just a great moment … and it isn’t even finished yet …

Tomorrow the counter guy is coming to measure for the new counter top … one step at a time and we will get there …

Very Prettyfull
February 16, 2009, 11:00 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

One of Schuyler’s favorite words is Prettyful … her combo of pretty and beautiful … tonight when I got home she said, “Come mommy I show you.” … She took my hand and led me into the kitchen where she spun around with her arms out and said, “Isn’t it prettyfull? It is so prettyful.” … And she was absolutely right …

To be honest I got a bit teary and chocked up when I saw the progress in the kitchen … it almost didn’t feel real … so far it is the kitchen both David and I have dreamed of … and one of the things I realized tonight while we were standing in there … we both had the exact same vision for our kitchen … I find that pretty remarkable …

So here is the picture overlaod because I am just so beyond excited about it …

(Almost) Finished Floors
February 15, 2009, 3:42 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Well they were in bright and early this morning … 9 AM for a Sunday when it was supposed to be 10 AM … to get to work finishing the floors in the kitchen … they puttied and prepped and then a guy came in with a big sander … and sanded the floor … then did a water soluble top coat …

Tomorrow they are moving the cabinets in and once they are in they will re-sandand buff the floor and put on the shellac …

But let me say … the floors are gorgeous … they came out so very nice … we both love them!!!

Laundry Room Floor & Walls
February 14, 2009, 5:09 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Laundry Room

So the floor and walls have gone into the laundry room … when I stand in this room I can’t believe it used to be the bathroom … it is tiny and it had a tub, a sink and a toilet … it amazes me … there hardly seems room for Skye and I in there right now …

There are just a couple of changes we have to make since this work has been done … the pipes push the washer/dryer out another inch and a half … which puts them right over the door jam … so they need to move the light switch into the hall … and cut the door opening further to the right and build it up at the left so the machine will fit properly and we can still have a regular door …

They also have to put a drain in the floor … with a drain out to the basement in case of an accident … it would be in a bad place to have an accident with no where for the water to go …

They are building the pedestals for the washer and dryer with drawers in them … and some small storage shelves to go behind the door as well as a shelf to go above the machines for soap and such … I still fully believe it is going to change the life of my family having the machines upstairs where all our dirty clothes are …