Our House Rules

The Kitchen Before & After
September 12, 2009, 5:42 pm
Filed under: After Photos, Before Photos, Kitchen

The before photos are totally embarrassing but hey it doesn’t look like that anymore … it turns out I took before and after pictures in the same spots so I put the video together to show the big huge difference …

View this montage created at One True Media
The Kitchen Before & After

Old Bathroom Before Photos
February 2, 2009, 11:02 pm
Filed under: Before Photos, Hall Bathroom, Laundry Room

The current (smaller than you can believe) bathroom is going to be come our laundry room … now for someone who hates doing laundry you have no idea how excited I am about this … currently I have to carry everything up and down 3 flights of stairs … having the machines on the floor where all the clothes are … well that will just be wonderful … I really just can’t wait … maybe I’ll even start doing laundry several times a week instead of spending one whole weekend day doing laundry … wow wouldn’t that be nice …


Photos Before Demo Starts
January 28, 2009, 9:34 am
Filed under: Before Photos, Kitchen

Well Skye and I were up bright and early this morning to make sure everything was ready for demo day … I spent Monday and Tuesday night clearing out the rest of the stuff from the kitchen that David and I hadn’t gotten to … and the last few things I moved out this morning …

So right now the kitchen looks like it did when we moved in … Skye thinks it is fun running around in it like this (probably because there was no room to run before)

Our fireplace room and dining room are now full with our kitchen stuff … but I think we organized it all really well and it will be great to put it all back in the kitchen in 3 to 4 weeks …

So they should be here any minute to start ripping all this out … I am sure David is a bit bummed he won’t be here for this … but I’ll take lots of photos so he doesn’t miss a thing …

Clearing Out The Kitchen
January 25, 2009, 9:21 pm
Filed under: Before Photos, Kitchen

So we have spent this weekend clearing out the kitchen since demo starts on Wednesday and David is leaving to go out of town tomorrow …

We have way too much stuff … and have come to realize how crappy this kitchen really is … ohhhh it is going to be oh so nice to have it redone … with shelves that move … drawers rather than cabinets on the bottom … and all cleaned out … we’ve been day dreaming about it all day …

I’ve only took a couple of photos but will take more before they start ripping everything out …

Our dining room has become a make-shift kitchen

Kitchen Before Photos
January 23, 2009, 10:18 pm
Filed under: Before Photos, Kitchen

These are true before photos … I did no clean up to the kitchen as you can tell … I just grabbed my camera before heading to work and wanted to shoot pictures just in case David started working on moving stuff out while I was at work … and it is a good thing I did because the had started the job of moving everything out …

We are so excited to upgrade this kitchen … the island is in the way … the cabinets suck … there isn’t enough room for everything … all our good stuff is packed up in either our basement or my parents …

So here are the kitchen before photos …