Our House Rules

The Kitchen Before & After
September 12, 2009, 5:42 pm
Filed under: After Photos, Before Photos, Kitchen

The before photos are totally embarrassing but hey it doesn’t look like that anymore … it turns out I took before and after pictures in the same spots so I put the video together to show the big huge difference …

View this montage created at One True Media
The Kitchen Before & After

The Finished Kitchen
August 13, 2009, 10:37 pm
Filed under: After Photos, Kitchen

Finally posting the after photos of our kitchen … it is just so magnificent …David and I couldn’t be more happy with it … it is just perfect … I love everything about it … and I especially love that David is so happy with it he cooks us amazing meals all the time …

New Sliding Door
April 17, 2009, 9:07 pm
Filed under: Kitchen

David has wanted to put in a new sliding door since we moved into this house … the old one was cheap … and there were gaps all the way around it … big enough that you could feel wind blowing and bugs could get in … it sucked …

This new door on the other hand … it is gorgeous!!!!!! I am in love … way better than the old one and you can actually notice a temperature change since it was installed … now we just gotta paint the wood inside and we are all set …

Handles & Grout & Light
March 11, 2009, 10:32 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

So the kitchen is almost there … in the last couple of days the tile has been grouted … the handles have been put on … under counter lights installed and David has worked sooooo hard at putting in padded shelf liners to protect all the shelves and drawers …

The handles look fantastic … they are exactly what we wanted and we found an amazing price online at Knobs Plus … better quality and even cheaper than the ones we were going to get at IKEA … better yet a standard size so we could change them out in the future …

The backsplash all grouted came out beautiful … I just love how it looks and now that the under cabinet lights are installed it is all just beautiful … I don’t think I could love it anymore …

Tomorrow they are doing the last coat on the floor and then no more cardboard down … and by this weekend David will have all his precious shelf protectors in place and we can move our stuff back into the kitchen … everything but the food … we are still waiting on the shelves for the pantry …

Kitchen Grout
March 4, 2009, 10:27 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Well they grouted the back splash in the kitchen and it is BEAUTIFUL … I just absolutely love how it came out … David picked out a perfect tile and they did an amazing job putting it up … just super … I’m kinda sorry there aren’t walls all the way around that get it … because it is a fantastic touch …

Coming Together
February 27, 2009, 11:07 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

So the kitchen is totally coming together … the fridge has been moved into place and it looks like it was built in there … I love how it came out …

They redid the lights so they fit in the room better … we miss the cool layout they did but they look so great right in the middle of the room and not over any cabinets anymore …

They put the frame around the windows and painted them … they look so great …

And today they started putting in the back splash … I will admit I didn’t want the back splash … I like it with just the white wall but David was really adamant about having it and since it is mostly his kitchen (because why would I cook when there is a chef in the house … duhhhh) so we went with it and I absolutely love it … it looks so great … David picked out the tiles and I love them … so I am so happy he pushed to have it because I do love how it is coming out …

Counter Tops
February 24, 2009, 6:51 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Oh My Goodness … the kitchen is so close to being finished … it looks like a real kitchen now …

Today they installed the counter tops … the sink … the cook top … and wow it looks amazing … better than I had ever imagined … I just stood in there in awe … the reflections from the windows look gorgeous … the cut out came out wonderfully … everything …

The black sink is something else I am totally in love with … I was a bit worried when we picked it out but I LOVE it … I LOVE how it looks … it just is fantastic …

Everything came together so well … tomorrow the painter is coming to do the final coat … they are going to fix up the lights … and put the fridge in place … and tonight we are able to run the dish washer … no more washing dishes in the wash tub in the basement …

I am just all teary looking at it … it is beyond what we ever dreamed of … and David snapped a great photo of Skye kissing my tummy …

All Framed
February 23, 2009, 10:02 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Today they put the window frames on in the kitchen and they look beautiful. You would never know these windows aren’t anywhere close to the size of the windows that had been in here … I mean the long window had been floor to ceiling at one time … and the one above the sink was a totally different size that was bigger than this one …

And these both just look so very beautiful … makes us excited to one day change out every window in the house … because these actually open (our others don’t really) and can be cleaned and as I say over and over – they are just beautiful …

Hugging The Oven
February 17, 2009, 9:08 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

Today all the cabinets were put in the kitchen … and I just stood there in awe looking at them … I couldn’t believe it … they are so gorgeous … it was weird … suddenly our house felt like a home … and it isn’t because of the nice kitchen and that it wasn’t a home with our crappy one … it was all sorts of people coming together to make this happen … my parents and all the advice from my brother … and Norbert and Aric … and mine and David’s ideas merging to create this beautiful room that will very easily become the heart of our home …

After they got the oven in David hugged it … then asked if he could have a moment alone in the kitchen …

We’ve already started talking about where everything will go … and he talks about how often he is going to cook and how happy he will be to cook for his family in this kitchen … it was just a great moment … and it isn’t even finished yet …

Tomorrow the counter guy is coming to measure for the new counter top … one step at a time and we will get there …

Very Prettyfull
February 16, 2009, 11:00 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kitchen

One of Schuyler’s favorite words is Prettyful … her combo of pretty and beautiful … tonight when I got home she said, “Come mommy I show you.” … She took my hand and led me into the kitchen where she spun around with her arms out and said, “Isn’t it prettyfull? It is so prettyful.” … And she was absolutely right …

To be honest I got a bit teary and chocked up when I saw the progress in the kitchen … it almost didn’t feel real … so far it is the kitchen both David and I have dreamed of … and one of the things I realized tonight while we were standing in there … we both had the exact same vision for our kitchen … I find that pretty remarkable …

So here is the picture overlaod because I am just so beyond excited about it …