Our House Rules

Little Updates Big Differences
March 24, 2009, 10:17 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

Well a bunch of what seems to be small stuff has gotten taken care of … and the completed tasks are actually make a big difference …

First off the laundry room … the floor is all tiled … the windows have been redone … vents put in and best of all the pedestal for the washer and dryer has been installed and shelves behind the door put in … all that is left is a coat of paint and bringing the machines upstairs … if it happens before I give birth I will be so happy … but no matter when it happens I am sure I will shed a tear …

The bathroom has been tiled as well … I absolutely love how it turned out … and today the parts arrived for the shower … the vanity and toilet will be going in soon and that room will be all ready …

And in the kitchen today they installed the pull out shelves in the kitchen pantry … they are absolutely beautiful and are going to make it sooooo easy to put food away and actually use stuff before we forget we even have it … I think they are just gorgeous and can’t wait to get everything put away …

By the way … don’t you just love the outfit David picked out for today … unfortunately you missed the ensemble with the giraffe boots … it was priceless …

Tile Loving
March 16, 2009, 10:59 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

Well they got all the tile laid in the laundry room and started the tile in the bathroom … and I am in LOVE … just absolutely love love love it … and the black tile David went and got for the step up that we had to add is perfect … looks so good and for sure lets you know there is a step up there … I am just totally in love …

A Step Up
February 23, 2009, 9:33 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

So we encountered some complication yesterday with the kids bathroom … because of the house being a split level and the heating ducts for the bottom floor they could not run the pipes through the floor of the spare room to turn it into a bathroom …

The solution?

Make a step-up in the bathroom for the vanity and tub … that way the pipes could run between the original floor and the new floor … it is just a couple of inches up and I think it will look great …

And my mom and dad had a great idea of putting a border of black tile along the edge of the step up to make it stand out since with black and white tile it could be a bit camouflaged … it is going to look absolutely spectacular …

I did get a giggle out of the laundry room … just the day before it was totally cleaned out and looked almost ready to put the washer in … but then it was a complete mess by the time I got home from work …

I still can’t believe this stuff is happening in our house … I remember when we looked at this house and had all these lofty ideas of what we would do if we bought it … I just thought most of them wouldn’t happen for at least 10 or more years …

The beginning of the step-up is being formed
You can see how the pipes fit nicely now with the step-up

Right now it is at an angle but my dad said when finished it will be straight across

The laundry room that was all empty just a few hours ago

February 19, 2009, 11:20 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

So today they worked on getting more of the laundry room and bathroom done … in anticipation of the plumbers coming next week … they put in the drain and new floor in the laundry room as well as cut the door opening another 3.5 inches to the right and built it up on the left (the washer was going to cover a bit of the door opening making a bi-fold door necessary which we didn’t want to do) and they move the light switch for the laundry room out into the hall … so that room is rockin’ now …

The bathroom they started framing out the wall that will house the pipes for the shower … we are also building out from the wall and at the back of the tub … that way it give extra room in the tub without having to buy a bigger tub … with a couple of feet around it makes it roomier … plus we are putting a curved shower curtain rod on … so that should be rockin’ too …

It is getting there … bit by bit … and since I am really wanting to nest … clean up the house … and really make it a better place they couldn’t be finished soon enough 🙂

Laundry Room Floor & Walls
February 14, 2009, 5:09 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Laundry Room

So the floor and walls have gone into the laundry room … when I stand in this room I can’t believe it used to be the bathroom … it is tiny and it had a tub, a sink and a toilet … it amazes me … there hardly seems room for Skye and I in there right now …

There are just a couple of changes we have to make since this work has been done … the pipes push the washer/dryer out another inch and a half … which puts them right over the door jam … so they need to move the light switch into the hall … and cut the door opening further to the right and build it up at the left so the machine will fit properly and we can still have a regular door …

They also have to put a drain in the floor … with a drain out to the basement in case of an accident … it would be in a bad place to have an accident with no where for the water to go …

They are building the pedestals for the washer and dryer with drawers in them … and some small storage shelves to go behind the door as well as a shelf to go above the machines for soap and such … I still fully believe it is going to change the life of my family having the machines upstairs where all our dirty clothes are …

New Pipes
February 11, 2009, 9:39 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

So the plumbing, as much as can be done without the sink and the tub, has gone in … it is quite exciting seeing everything take shape even if it is still a ways from being completed …

All the plumbing for the laundry room got finished … and the toilet got rerouted to the new bathroom … once the tub and sinks come in they will be able to take care of that plumbing as well …

I get all dreamy thinking of the washer and drier not being down 3 flights of stairs … and doing laundry a couple of nights a week rather than an entire weekend day … and into the next … who would have ever predicted this is something that would make me excited 🙂

Laundry Room
Laundry Room
Laundry Room
Bathroom – new toilet location

Plumbing Away
February 10, 2009, 10:33 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Kids Bathroom, Laundry Room

So we had the same guys come down from Cumberland that did our furnace and air conditioner a couple of years ago … so bright and early this morning the house was filled with people … going over everything since it was the first time they were seeing the job with the floors and walls ripped out …

We had planned on having a buddy bath in the hall … where someone could be showering or using the toilet while someone else was still using the sink to get ready … unfortunately because of the location of all the pipes and whatnot it can’t happen that way anymore … truthfully I am not too upset about this because now it will feel like a nice spacious bathroom … I was worried the wall down the middle would have made it feel a bit small but at the same time more usable …

Lets just say this … either way I am happy … anything is going to be a step up from the motor home size bathroom we were using …

So they got started today and are sending just 2 of the 4 back tomorrow to finish up …

Future laundry room
Future laundry room
Future bathroom
future bathroom
The large pipe with wood that I cut my foot on cause I couldn’t see it in the dark when trying to go into Skye’s room for some socks!!

The Laundry Room
February 6, 2009, 10:33 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Laundry Room

Well today they cut a larger opening for the door to the laundry room … and got it totally ready to set up … seriously with all that is going on in this house right now I am soooooo excited for the washer and dryer to be upstairs … I think it will change the whole life of this family … things will be so different … wooohooooooo …

Old Bathroom Before Photos
February 2, 2009, 11:02 pm
Filed under: Before Photos, Hall Bathroom, Laundry Room

The current (smaller than you can believe) bathroom is going to be come our laundry room … now for someone who hates doing laundry you have no idea how excited I am about this … currently I have to carry everything up and down 3 flights of stairs … having the machines on the floor where all the clothes are … well that will just be wonderful … I really just can’t wait … maybe I’ll even start doing laundry several times a week instead of spending one whole weekend day doing laundry … wow wouldn’t that be nice …