Our House Rules

Master Bedroom
August 1, 2009, 11:58 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Master Bathroom, Master Bedroom

So they are finally finished working on our bedroom … now the work that is left is up to us … putting everything away … cleaning …

So the bathroom is phenomenal … it is so much better than what we used to have … now we just need to move our stuff from the kids bathroom into ours and start using it …

We also repainted our bedroom … I didn’t realize how much I didn’t like the peach we had until the new colors went up … we did 3 of the walls a light grey and the wall our bed backs to in dark grey and I am in love … it came out so wonderful … now we just need to clean up the room and arrange our stuff …

But since we painted I am now really wanting to paint the green armoir we have in there … I think it would look awesome in black …

Once we put up the black temporary shades I decided I wanted the window coverings in there to be black … so i think we are going with black wood blinds … should be very sharp …

Closet Filled
June 10, 2009, 11:09 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Master Bedroom

The closets came out fantastic … we each have our own … several shelves … nice deep drawers and lots of room to hang stuff … but since they are smaller than the walk-in closet we had and the spare closet we had, which was filled to the gills, was in what is now the kids bathroom is gone … it forced us to purge … and purge we did … 4 huge bags went to Purple Heart … and we still have more to go purge once we go through the tubs in our fireplace room … it was good for us … we hang on to way too many clothes …

So with the closets finished phase one of the master bedroom is complete … these photos show everything in the closets which means the demo for the bathroom is ready to begin …

New Master Closet
June 7, 2009, 10:10 pm
Filed under: During Photos, Master Bedroom

So I am a bit behind and back posting some stuff … I have not been as good with taking photos of the progress … could be I am losing steam in the whole renovation process … or the fact that there is a new baby and a toddler to look after … whatever it may be I have some photos that need to be posted … I am very much looking forward to posting all the finished photos which should be soon … although can it ever be soon enough … (posted on July 11, 2009)

To start off in the master bedroom we had to have a new closet built since the existing closet was going to become part of the new bathroom … so this entire structure was built into the room … before it existed it was just a wall … it still leaves plenty of room in the bedroom … maybe just a bit smaller but now it looks like it was always there … part of the room and not something new we added …